Friday, August 26, 2011

Expose Yourself Project

Day 5: The Apple of my eye:
The apple of my eye is so easy, my babies!! They are my reason for getting out of bed each morning. They are the reason I picked up my camera and followed my dreams, because I want so much for them and having a server for a mother would make it hard to give them the things I want for them. They give me the courage to overcome my fears and go out there, if it turns out I fail in the end, at least I know I gave it my all. And I know without them I never could have looked at it that way, I would still be wondering what if. I love them with my whole heart and I am so thankful to have them in my life.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Expose Yourself Project

Day four: My Biggest Mistake:

my biggest mistake would be the space above my desk in my office that doesn't house my college degree. I attended college for 6 years, at that, so how you might ask did I not end that time period with a degree. Well I spent most of the time with no goal, no specific degree in mind. I had no idea what I wanted to do for a career, well I knew I wanted to be a photographer, I always wanted that, but I was terrified of pursuing it. Instead I went after degrees I considered safer, but was completely unhappy with them and in the end I ended up leaving school empty handed, when I found out my daughter's due date was in that semesters finals week. I have hope that one day I'll go back if for no other reason then having that degree to hang on my way as a result of all that money I dumped into it.

And I also must add that I've overcome my fears and spent the past year focused on my photography, and I know I don't need that piece of paper to tell me that it's the path I was meant to walk down.

Expose Yourself Project

Day 3: Me in an object

The object that I relate the most to would have to be this old school Polaroid camera. It’s funky, it’s pictures aren’t perfect, but really when you take a better look they are amazing because of their imperfections. I know that I’m not a perfect person, but I try my best on a daily basis to give a 110% on everything I do. That way if something I do fails I know that I did everything I could. Just like this camera, it’s tries to give all it has in every picture it takes. I personally love the results it gives, but someone else may not see the beauty I do in the pictures.

You know what they say better late then never :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Expose Yourself Project

Day Two: I am influenced by:
This was an easy one, there was a time where the answer to this would have been the environment. The way nature fills our lives with beauty and wonder on a daily basis.

But on May 13, 2009 that all changed. After nine long months, two weeks in labor, nine hours in the delivery room, and an emergency c-section there was a moment; a split second, were I held my baby girl in my arms and the world as I saw it changed forever. Now after that moment the answer to this question is and will always be: my family. Watching my children grow and learn has opened my eyes to the most beautiful world. I am so lucky to have two amazing children and the best husband ever. I would not be who or where I am today with out them.

My beautiful family!!

My picture today is the one below, it is a piece of art my family and I made for the bedroom in our new house. I walk by it every day and am reminded about how lucky I am and how they influence every decision I make and every goal I set.

Waiting on Baby Urijah

This next couple is one of the cutest I've ever had the pleasure of photographing. I cannot wait until baby makes three =)

Hurry it up little Urijah I can't wait to meet you!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Expose Yourself Project

Day One: Your Best Trait

I decided that my best trait was Loving. I'm the type of person that feels bad for an object, I couldn't possibly do anything to make a lamp feel left out or abandon. But when you put that craziness into the practice of loving my family and friends it's where I really shine. I love everything about them and would do anything I could for them.

Today I decided to take a series of pictures of my little lady and me outside on this amazingly beautiful day, playing with sidewalk chalk. We practiced her skills of heart drawing, made a stick figure family and a message for daddy to walk by on his way to the front door. The smallest moments are the ones we should try to cherish most, the dishes and laundry can wait...

Mini Me Mondays

Yesterday we celebrated one of my favorite nephews Forth Birthday!! Even though I was out numbered by my little ones my camera was still in hand.

So for todays Mini Me Monday I thought I would share my favorite shoots from yesterday staring my babies!

Lina decided she couldn't possible sit that close to her brother for to long lol.


Until next week...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

New... Well Maybe Just Revisited

So as some of you may know, I started my love of photography at a young age. My aunts taught me young that you were crazy for not taking pictures of any and everything. Throughout my summers spent with my dad in Punxsutawney, PA I watched and learned from the masters of photo-stalking.

As the years went on I started to develop somewhat of a photographer's eye with all my practice on my friends and family. Then a very random choice a friend and I made sitting in Science Class in 8th grade landed us both in a Journalism Class our Freshman year of high school. And we were both hooked. Though our talents differed a bit, okay lets face it she was always ten times the writer I was. I wanted to just take the pictures. But instead I did write and ended up the Features Edited for our school paper (my friend News and then Co-Editor-and-Chief). I have always felt that it was the best elective choice we could have made way back when sitting in science making stick figure cartoons instead of learning our periodic table.

My choice to become a family photographer was the easiest choice I think I've ever made (this from the person that changed her major in collage about 8 times, photography was one of them. heehee) From the moment I took the first picture of my daughter I was hooked and I wanted, needed, to capture not just all the important memories in our family but in other people's as well.

I will say doing what I do is so satisfying, I love nothing more than to see the photo I take hanging on somebody else's wall. Knowing that the moment I captured is a moment they will never forget.

But I still go out and follow a butterfly around trying to capture the second it opens it's wings just so, or lay on a New York City sidewalk to trying to capture just that perfect shot when the sun beams shine just right. A year or so ago I opened an etsy shop to share/sell my favorites of these captured moments, but distraction and then the birth of my second child Grayson made me put it on the back burner.

Well recently a discussion I had with the same photo taking, writing extraordinaire, from my school newspaper days, about her amazing photos from all over the country and how she should open her own shop. Remind me of this little hobby simmering on the furthest back burner I have. More talks about taking part of a couple upcoming art fairs and craft shows opened my eyes and made me open around 500 thousand pictures,no lie, and pull out my favorites from the my past, there are present ones in there too- Plus my babies make some appearances as well.

So today I started working on this revisited project and I must say I'm liking what I'm seeing =)

Watching Minnie and Mickey dance on the mid afternoon float, Personally I spent that time watching my Bean take it all in. I never fully understood how magical Disney World could be until I saw it through her eyes. Just looking at this picture makes me want to book our next vacation, because it really is the most magical place on Earth.

I must have followed this little, well really really big bumble bee around for a good ten minutes all will singing... ouch he sung me... classic

The place of Dreams

This little birds fascinated me on our last trip to NYC. It amazed me how peaceful they seemed looking for bits of food on the oh so busy streets of the city.

This old truck is located at the top of the hill at my Grandparents farm, I was informed by my mother that growing up this crank truck was their only vehicle. I think it's amazing that it still sits at the farm that it worked so hard to keep running, I only wish I lived closer because it would be a hotspot in couples sessions.

The dogwood flowers on base in South Carolina, they are one of my favorite sites.

Together Forever

I found this walking around at the Renaissance Festival, I love finding little treasures where you least expect them.

Here they are, there will be many many more to come, plus there will be info on our craft fair/ art show booths very very soon. And maybe in the next week or so I'll get my shop in working order so you can come, visit and check out my memories!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Goodbye Home!!!

"Good-bye home" as Lina put it best as we pulled out of our apartment complex for the very last time...

...we are off for bigger and better things!!

Mini Me Mondays

So I missed my Mini-Me Monday this week due to the three day process of cleaning our old apartment....UGGG!!. But now that we are officially done with everything to do with that apartment I can get back on track with all things Bluebird!

And I thought I'd start off with a post showcasing the super cute things my little ones have been doing the past couple of days.


Lina and I planted some pretty flowers, I don't think any activity has made her as happy as going out to tend to her garden :)

My little man snacking on teething cookies!! The enjoyment he has makes the mess worth ever crumb!! lets wrap this week up with a few kisses too!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Phillips Say I DO Part 1

So to anyone who knows me personally they know I have a problem when it comes to picking a favorite photo. I grow very attached to the photos I spend hours working on. So this is relevant because I sat down today to finally blog about this super cute June wedding I shoot. I tried to narrow down my selection of photos three times and every time I found myself either picking more photos or taking out one or two. So I gave up I was getting no way fast, then it dawned on me I would just cut my post in half so I could share all of my favorites with you.

Here are my favorite Ceremony photos...

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